Symposium overview
IMDPIM is aimed at accomplishing the targets of safe, efficient and green mining of underground mineral resources such as coal, salt mine, oil shale, nonferrous metal ore and radioactive mineral resources and other resources and energy via modifying physical and/or chemical properties of these deposits by in-situ technology of injecting heat, gas, fluid into deposits, by fracking and slotting. The symposium theme is "Present and Development of Theory and Technology of In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining", and explores the application of in-situ modified mining theory and technology in geo-energy exploitation. The symposium will bring domestic and foreign researchers together who lead the frontier of geo-energy and geo-resource development to exchange and share new insights and results in the in-situ extraction of geo-energy and geo-resource. The first International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining was held on Sep. 18th–20th, 2018 in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China.
Unconventional geomechanics has been widely applied in the extraction of coalbed methane, shale gas, tight gas and safe mining of high gas-containing coal seams, in the CO2geological storage and development of geothermal energy. Studies on Unconventional geomechanics are of great significance to promote Chinese technological level of exploring and mining oil and gas. Unconventional Geomechanics Symposium aims to promote innovation through exchanging idea and achievement among different disciplines related to unconventional resource extraction, and to solve the dilemma of unconventional resource extraction through theoretical innovation and multidisciplinary cooperation. Unconventional Geomechanics Symposium has been held 6 times since 2014.
IMDPIM2 and UG7 will be jointly held in Taiyuan, Shanxi, from 10thto 12thJuly, 2020.
The symposium will invite international famous experts in the fields of IMDPIM and UG as keynote speakers. The symposium will also launch different sessions to discuss related hot topics.
The symposium will be organized by Taiyuan University of Technology and co-organized by Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Mining of Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province, Resource and Environment Committee of National Science and Technology Innovation Leading Personnel Alliance and Shanxi Society of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
We sincerely invite you to share your research achievements will your colleagues and to promote innovations of research.
We look forward to hosting you in Taiyuan.
Topics of major interest
(1) Theory and experiments of porous media evolution in rock mass and multiphase flow law coupled by THMC effect;
(2) In-situ mining technology, theory and experiments of coalbed methane, shale gas, oil shale, gas hydrate and other oil and gas resources;
(3) Technology, theory and experiments of clean in-situ fluidized mining coal;
(4) Theory and technology of constructing HDR artificial reservoir;
(5) Theory and technology of solution mining salt deposit and oil and gas storage;
(6) Technology, theory and experiments of in-situ modified mining nonferrous metal ore and radioactive mineral resources;
(7) Franking and induced seismicity in mining unconventional resources;
(8) Coupled multiphysics in deep unconventional resource exploitation, coordinated exploitation of intergrown resources and gas outburst in deep coal mines;
(9) Coupled multiphysics in the development and utilization of deep underground space;
(10) Geomechanics issues in intelligent mining.
Sponsor:Taiyuan University of Technology
Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education
Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Mining of Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province
Resource and Environment Committee of National Science and Technology Innovation Leading Personnel Alliance
Shanxi Society of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Time and Location
Time:July 10th-12th, 2020
Location:Bingzhou Hotel, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Academic Committee
Director: Yang-sheng Zhao
Members:(Alphabetical order of surname)
Stephane Bordas |
Emmanuel Detournay |
Sevket Durucan |
Maurice Dusseault |
Derek Elsworth |
Yun-tian Feng |
Sidney Green |
Satya Harpalani |
Jian-hua Li |
Praveen Linga |
Ji-shan Liu |
Shi-min Liu |
Shu-qin Liu |
Roger Owen |
Zhe-jun Pan |
P.G.Ranjith |
Kyuro Sasaki |
Patrick Selvadurai |
Bao-yu Wang |
Gui-ling Wang |
Mo-ran Wang |
Shun-de Yin |
Yi-xin Zhao |
Organizing Committee
Chairman: Wei-guo Liang
Members: (Alphabetical order of surname)
Zeng-chao Feng |
Zi-jun Feng |
Hong-guang Guo |
Yao-qing Hu |
Zhi-qin Kang |
Hao Li |
Jian-zhong Li |
Wen-da Li |
Zi-wen Li |
Zheng-he Liu |
Yong-hao Luo |
Zhao-xing Lv |
Jian-mei Wang |
Yi Wang |
Bao-ping Xi |
Su-guo Xu |
Dong Yang |
Xiao-qing Yang |
Yan-mei Yu |
Sheng-li Zhang |
Dong Zhao |
Guo-zhen Zhao |
Jin-chang Zhao |
Jian-zhong Zhao |
Secretariat: Zhigang Li Peihua Jin Guoying Wang
Contact information
Zhi-gang Li 15234188639
Pei-hua Jin 15103469608
Guo-ying Wang 18334706976
Mailing address:No.18 Xinkuangyuan Road, Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030024, China
Important Time
Registration deadlines: April 30, 2020
Please fill out registration form attached and send e-mail toimdpim@hotmail.comfor registration and hotel reservation.