邱鹏,山西平遥人,助理研究员,太原理工大学-原位改性采矿教育部重点实验室工作,从事断裂力学、岩石爆破等研究。毕业于中国矿业大学(北京),Monash University联合培养,博士论文《爆炸应力波与裂纹相互作用机理研究》获2020年度中国煤炭学会优秀博士论文奖,并获2022年度教育部自然科学二等奖。
主持国家自然科学青年基金、博士后特别资助/面上资助、山西省基础研究面上项目、山西省回国留学人员资助、国家重点实验室开放基金等。发表SCI/EI论文19篇,1作/通讯10篇(中科院力学2区及以上7篇),刊在《International Journal of Impact Engineering》、《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》、《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、《岩石力学与工程学报》、《煤炭学报》等。
[1] Qiu Peng, Yue Zhongwen*, Yang Renshu, Ju Yang. Modified mixed-mode caustics interpretation to study a running crack subjected to obliquely incident blast stress waves. International Journal of Impact Engineering 2021, 150: 103821.(中科院力学1区)
[2] Qiu Peng, Yue Zhongwen*, Yang Renshu. Experimental study on mode-I and mixed-mode crack propagation under tangentially incident P waves, S waves and reflected waves in blasts. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2021, 247: 107664.(中科院力学2区)
[3] Qiu Peng, Yue Zhongwen*, Ju Yang, Zhao Jian. Characterizing dynamic crack-tip stress distribution and evolution under blast gases and reflected stress waves by caustics method. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 2020, 108: 102632.(中科院力学2区)
[4] Qiu Peng, Yue Zhongwen*, Yang Renshu, Li Jianchun. Effects of vertical and horizontal reflected blast stress waves on running cracks by caustics method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2019, 212: 164-179.(中科院力学2区)
[5] Qiu Peng, Yue Zhongwen*, Yang Renshu. Mode I stress intensity factors measurements in PMMA by caustics method: A comparison between low and high loading rate conditions. Polymer Testing 2019, 76: 273-285.(中科院材料科学:表征与测试1区)
[6] Qiu Peng, Yue Zhongwen*, Zhang Shichun, Li Zhanfei. An in situ simultaneous measurement system combining photoelasticity and caustics methods for blast-induced dynamic fracture. Review of Scientific Instruments 2017, 88(11): 115113.
[7] Yue Zhongwen, Qiu Peng*, Yang Renshu, Zhang Shichun, Yuan Kai, Li Zhanfei. Stress field analysis of the interaction of a running crack and blasting waves by caustics method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2017, 184: 339-351.(中科院力学2区)
[8] Yue Zhongwen, Qiu Peng*, Yang Renshu, Yang Guoliang. Experimental study on a Mach cone and trailing Rayleigh waves in a stress wave chasing running crack problem. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 2019, 104: 102371.(中科院力学2区)
[9] 岳中文, 邱鹏*, 杨仁树, 胡庆文, 别超军, 郭超. 切槽炮孔偏心装药爆源近区裂纹动态力学特征实验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报 2017, 36(S2): 3792-3798.(卓越期刊)
[10] 岳中文, 邱鹏*, 王煦, 宋耀, 于强. 切槽孔掏槽爆破机理动态焦散线实验研究. 煤炭学报 2016, 41(04): 858-863.(卓越期刊)