Symposium overview
IMDPIM is aimed at accomplishing the targets of safe, efficient and green mining of underground mineral resources such as coal, salt mine, oil shale, nonferrous metal ore and radioactive mineral resources and other resources and energy via modifying physical and/or chemical properties of these deposits by in-situ technology of injecting heat, gas, fluid into deposits, by fracking and slotting. The symposium theme was "Present and Development of Theory and Technology of In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining", and explores the application of in-situ modified mining theory and technology in geo-energy exploitation. The symposium will bring domestic and foreign researchers together who lead the frontier of geo-energy and geo-resource development to exchange and share new insights and results in the in-situ extraction of geo-energy and geo-resource. The first and second International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining were held on 2018 and 2020 in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China,respectively.
The 3rd International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining (IMDPIM3) is scheduled to be held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in August 2022. The conference theme is " Low Carbon driven sustainable in situ mining", The symposium will invite international famous experts in the fields of IMDPIM as keynote speakers. The symposium will also launch different sessions to discuss related hot topics.
The symposium will be organized by Taiyuan University of Technology and co-organized by Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Mining of Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province, The In-situ Steam Injection Branch of State Center for Research and Development of Oil Shale Exploitation, Resource and Environment Committee of National Science and Technology Innovation Leading Personnel Alliance and Shanxi Society of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
We sincerely invite you to share your research achievements will your colleagues and to promote innovations of research.
We look forward to hosting you in Taiyuan.
Topics of major interest
1) Theory and experiments on multi-phase transport and flow in evolving porous and fractured geological media
2) Theory and experiments on thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical coupling processes in evolving porous and fractured media
3) Coupled problems in geo-environmental transport processes for in-situ modified mining by fluidization (IMMF)
4) Theory, experiments and technology of fluidization and cleaning mining of coal resources
5) Theory, experiments and technology of mining mid-deep geothermal resources
6) Theory, experiments and technology of solution mining of salt deposit and construction of oil & gas storage cavern
7) Theory, experiments and technology of in-situ modified mining radioactive mineral resources
8) Theory, experiments and technology of leaching mining of non-ferrous metal ore
9) Theory, experiments and technology of unconventional oil and gas exploitation:
·Coal-bed methane extraction ·Shale gas extraction
·Shale oil extraction ·Gas hydrate extraction
·Heavy oil extraction ·Geomicrobiological processes
Sponsor: Taiyuan University of Technology
Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education
Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Mining of Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province
The In-situ Steam Injection Branch of State Center for Research and Development of Oil Shale Exploitation
Resource and Environment Committee of National Science and Technology Innovation Leading Personnel Alliance
Shanxi Society of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Time and Location
Time: Aug 2022
Location: Bingzhou Hotel, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Academic Committee
Patrick Selvadurai (McGill University)
Yangsheng Zhao (Taiyuan University of Technology)
Members: (Alphabetical order of surname)
Stephane Bordas (Luxembourg University)
Maurice B. Dusseault (University of Waterloo)
Derek Elsworth (Pennsylvania State University)
Yun-tian Feng (Swansea University)
Satya Harpalani (Southern Illinois University)
Yujing Jiang (Nagasaki University)
Praveen Linga (National University of Singapore)
Jishan Liu (The University of Western Australia )
Shimin Liu (Pennsylvania State University)
Sukru Merey (Batman University)
Ranjith P.G. (Monash University)
Zhejun Pan (CSIRO, Australia)
Kyuro Sasaki (Kyushu University)
Michael Urynowicz (University of Wyoming)
Aixiang Wu (University of Science and Technology Beijing)
Huilin Xing (University of Queensland)
Shunde Yin (University of Waterloo)
Organizing Committee
Director: Weiguo Liang
Co-director: Zengchao Feng Zijun Feng
Members: (Alphabetical order of surname)
Yaoqing Hu Yulong Jiang Peihua Jin Hao Li Wenda Li Yuanxing Li Zhaoxing Lv Zhenghe Liu Haojie Lian Yang Lu Qiaorong Meng Peng Qiu Jianmei Wang Lei Wang Yi Wang Pengfei Wu
Baoping Xi Suguo Xu Dong Yang Xiaoqin Yang
Weitao Yin Yanmei Yu Dong Zhao Guozhen Zhao
Jianzhong Zhao Jinchang Zhao Jing Zhao Tong Zhao
Zhigang Li (Secretary-general )
Hongguang Guo Zhiqin Kang Yuedu Chen Shouya Wu Jiwei Yan Yongjun Yu Shengli Zhang Dijie Zhu
Contact information
Zhigang Li 15234188639
Yuedu Chen 15536888799
Shouya Wu 15525052312
Jiwei Yan 13051873611
Mailing address: No.18 Xinkuangyuan Road, Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030024, China
Important Time
Registration deadlines: June 30, 2020
Please fill out registration form attached and send e-mail to imdpim@hotmail.com for registration and hotel reservation.