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发布时间:2022-04-14 13:51:13 | 浏览次数:


原位改性采矿针对地下煤炭、盐矿、油页岩、有色金属矿及放射性矿产资源等资源与能源,通过注热、气、液及水力压裂、割缝等技术,使资源与能源原位赋存特性发生物理、化学变化,从而实现安全、高效、绿色开采目标。原位改性采矿国际研讨会(International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining,简称IMDPIM)围绕“原位改性采矿理论与技术现状及发展”,探索原位改性采矿理论和技术在能源开采方面的应用,会议旨在汇集引领地球能源与资源开发相关领域的国内外研究人员进行交流和分享在地球资源与能源开采理论与技术研究中的新见解和新成果。2018年和2020年,第一届和第二届原位改性采矿国际研讨会在山西太原成功举办。

经研究,第三届原位改性采矿国际研讨会(IMDPIM3)拟定于2022812-14日在山西太原召开。本次大会主题为“低碳驱动的可持续原位采矿 ”,大会拟邀请国内外原位改性采矿领域知名专家作特邀报告,设相关的专题报告,并就热点议题展开讨论。本次会议由太原理工大学主办,原位改性采矿教育部重点实验室、矿产资源安全高效开采山西省重点实验室、国家油页岩原位注热开采分中心和山西省岩石力学与工程学会协同承办。



1)     THMC 耦合作用下孔裂隙介质演化及多相渗流试验、规律及理论;

2)     演变孔裂隙地质岩体中多相渗流传输的试验、规律及理论;

3)     原位改性流体化采矿过程中的地质环境响应及流体运移耦合问题;

4)     煤炭资源原位改性流体化清洁开采的理论、试验与工艺;

5)     中深部地热资源开采的理论、试验与工艺;  

6)     盐类矿床水溶开采与油气储库建造理论、试验与工艺;

7)     放射性矿产资源原位改性开采理论、试验与工艺;

8)     有色金属矿产资源原位溶浸开采理论、试验及工艺;  

9)     非常规油气资源开发理论、试验与工艺: 

·煤层气开采                     ·天然气水合物开采

·页岩气开采                     ·油页岩开采

·重油提取                         ·地质微生物过程

10)  CO2地质封存理论与技术








大会地点:山西·太原          并州饭店

日程安排:812          现场报到

813           大会报告

814日上午   大会报告

                    814日下午   参观“4000m深层裂缝型热储地热科学钻探”现场(太原理工大学虎峪校区内)



主席Patrick Selvadurai                  (McGill University)

赵阳升                                    (太原理工大学)

委员:  (按姓氏首字母排序)

              Stephane Bordas                     (Luxembourg University)

Maurice B. Dusseault             (University of Waterloo) 

Derek Elsworth                       (Pennsylvania State University)

冯云田                                     (斯旺西大学)

Satya Harpalani                       (Southern Illinois University)

蒋宇静                                    (长崎大学)    

Praveen Linga                         (National University of Singapore)

刘继山                                     (西澳大学

刘世民                                    (宾夕法尼亚州立大学

Sukru Merey                     (Batman University)

Ranjith P.G.                             (Monash University)

潘哲君                                     (澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究院

Kyuro Sasaki                           (Kyushu University)     

Michael Urynowicz                  (University of Wyoming)

吴爱祥                                    (北京科技大学)

邢会林                                    (昆士兰大学)

尹顺德                                    (滑铁卢大学)



联合主席: 冯增朝     冯子军 

成员:    (按姓氏首字母排序)

胡耀青           姜玉龙         靳佩桦         李浩                 

李文达           李元星         吕兆兴         刘正和 

廉浩杰      鲁阳            孟巧荣         邱鹏            

王建美           王磊             王毅             武鹏飞 

郤保平           徐素国         杨栋            杨晓琴 

阴伟涛           于艳梅         赵东            赵国贞 

赵建忠           赵金昌         赵静             赵通                   


李治刚  (秘书长)                 

郭红光     康志勤            陈跃都         武守亚   

阎纪伟     于永军          张胜利         朱帝杰 








4)稿件投递至大会邮箱 imdpim@hotmail.com


















2. 交通路线






3. 特别提醒



李治刚   15234188639

陈跃都   15536888799

武守亚   15525052312

阎纪伟   13051873611







图片包含 游戏机, 床, 桌子, 船描述已自动生成

Symposium overview

IMDPIM is aimed at accomplishing the targets of safe, efficient, and green mining of underground mineral resources such as coal, salt mine, oil shale, nonferrous metal ore, and radioactive mineral resources, and other resources and energy via modifying physical and/or chemical properties of these deposits by in-situ technology of injecting heat, gas, fluid into deposits, by fracking and slotting. The symposium theme was "Present and Development of Theory and Technology of In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining", and explores the application of in-situ modified mining theory and technology in geo-energy exploitation. The symposium will bring domestic and foreign researchers together who lead the frontier of geo-energy and geo-resource development to exchange and share new insights and results in the in-situ extraction of geo-energy and geo-resource. The first and second International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining were held in 2018 and 2020 in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, respectively.

The 3rd International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining (IMDPIM3) is scheduled to be held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in August 2022.  The conference theme is “Low Carbon driven sustainable in situ mining”, The symposium will invite international famous experts in the fields of IMDPIM as keynote speakers. The symposium will also launch different sessions to discuss related hot topics.

The symposium will be organized by Taiyuan University of Technology and co-organized by Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Mining of Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province, The In-situ Steam Injection Branch of State Center for Research and Development of Oil Shale Exploitation and Shanxi Society of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.

We sincerely invite you to share your research achievements will your colleagues and to promote innovations of research.

We look forward to hosting you in Taiyuan.

Topics of major interest

1)      Theory and experiments on multi-phase transport and flow in evolving porous and fractured geological media

2)      Theory and experiments on thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical coupling processes in evolving porous and fractured media

3)      Coupled problems in geo-environmental transport processes for in-situ modified mining by fluidization (IMMF)

4)      Theory, experiments and technology of fluidization and cleaning mining of coal resources

5)      Theory, experiments and technology of mining mid-deep geothermal resources

6)      Theory, experiments and technology of solution mining of salt deposit and construction of oil & gas storage cavern

7)       Theory, experiments and technology of in-situ modified mining radioactive mineral resources

8)       Theory, experiments and technology of leaching mining of non-ferrous metal ore

9)       Theory, experiments and technology of unconventional oil and gas exploitation

·Coal-bed methane extraction             ·Shale gas extraction

·Shale oil extraction                       ·Gas hydrate extraction

·Heavy oil extraction                   ·Geomicrobiological processes

10 Theory and technology of CO2 geological storage


Sponsor: Taiyuan University of Technology


Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education

Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Mining of Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province

The In-situ Steam Injection Branch of State Center for Research and Development of Oil Shale Exploitation

Shanxi Society of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering

Time and Location

Time:   12th-14th Aug 2022

Location: Bingzhou Hotel, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Schedule 12th August                   Registration

13th August                   Plenary lecture

14th August a.m.           Plenary lecture

                      14th August p.m.           Visit the site of "4000m deep fractured geothermal reservoirs scientific drilling" (Huyu Campus, Taiyuan University of Technology) 


Academic Committee


Patrick Selvadurai                     (McGill University)

Yangsheng Zhao                       (Taiyuan University of Technology)

Members:  (Alphabetical order of surname)

Stephane Bordas                       (Luxembourg University)

Maurice B. Dusseault               (University of Waterloo) 

Derek Elsworth                         (Pennsylvania State University)

Yun-tian Feng                           (Swansea University)

Satya Harpalani                         (Southern Illinois University)

Yujing Jiang                              (Nagasaki University)   

Praveen Linga                           (National University of Singapore)

Jishan Liu                                  (The University of Western Australia )

Shimin Liu                                 (Pennsylvania State University)

Sukru Merey                 (Batman University)

Ranjith P.G.                              (Monash University)

Zhejun Pan                                 (CSIRO, Australia)

Kyuro Sasaki                             (Kyushu University)     

Michael Urynowicz                    (University of Wyoming)

Aixiang Wu                               (University of Science and Technology Beijing)

Huilin Xing                                (University of Queensland)

Shunde Yin                               (University of Waterloo)


Organizing Committee

Director:    Weiguo Liang

Co-director: Zengchao Feng   Zijun Feng      

Members: (Alphabetical order of surname)

Yaoqing  Hu        Yulong Jiang             Peihua Jin           Hao Li                

Wenda Li             Yuanxing Li               Zhaoxing Lv        Zhenghe Liu        

Haojie Lian           Yang Lu                     Qiaorong Meng   Peng Qiu             

Jianmei Wang       Lei Wang                  Yi Wang             Pengfei Wu      

Baoping Xi            Suguo Xu                   Dong Yang          Xiaoqin Yang     

Weitao Yin           Yanmei Yu                 Dong Zhao          Guozhen Zhao     

Jianzhong Zhao     Jinchang Zhao            Jing Zhao             Tong Zhao


Zhigang Li   (Secretary-general )

Hongguang Guo         Zhiqin Kang            Yuedu Chen                Shouya Wu 

Jiwei Yan                  Yongjun Yu                Shengli Zhang           Dijie  Zhu  


Keynote speakers

Coming soon

Call for Papers

(1)  The abstract should include the email and Tel numbers

(2)  The paper will be published in the Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology after the peer-review process. The manuscript can be in Chinese or English.

(3)  May 01, 2022Deadline for Abstract submission

May 10, 2022Notification to authors on acceptance of Abstracts

June 20, 2022Deadlines for full paper

(4)  Please send the manuscript to the conference email imdpim@hotmail.com


Conference form

Foreign experts: Online meeting

Domestic experts: Onsite meeting

Registration Fee

2400 CNY per person. 1200 CNY per person for students (Student photo ID needed).

Note: Above fee does not include hotel expenses. The invoice will be issued by the hotel in the form of the conference fee. On-site visits are free of charge.


Accommodation and transportation route

1. Conference Hotel


Room type


Bingzhou Hotel

Standard Room

350 CNY per   night

Queen Room

Note: organization committee may make appropriate adjustments according to the hotel room reservation.

Hotel location: No.118 Yingze Street, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Hotel Tel: 0351-8821188

2. Transportation Route

Taiyuan Wusu airport to hotel

Take taxi to the Bingzhou Hotel (about 30 minutes, 60 CNY). Or take the airport bus line 1 and get off at Sanjin International Hotel Stop (15 CNY), then walk westward to the Bingzhou Hotel.

Train to hotel

(1) Taiyuan Station to hotel: Walk about 200 meters from the exit to the south of Yingze Street, then take the bus No. 1, 6, 10, or 866 and get off at the Bingzhou Hotel Stop (the second stop). Or take taxi (about 8 CNY) to the Bingzhou Hotel.

(2) Taiyuan South Station (High Speed Rail Station to hotel): Take the bus No. 902, 901, or 901 and get off at Guangchang Stop, then walk about 360 meters northward to the Bingzhou Hotel. Or take the bus no. 502 (Night Shuttle) and get off at the Bingzhou Hotel Stop. Or take taxi (about 50 CNY) to the Bingzhou Hotel.

3. Special Reminder

Please send the receipt of attending IMDPIM 2022 to imdpim@hotmail.com before July 25, 2022. (The receipt is attached)


Contact information

Zhigang Li       15234188639

Yuedu Chen           15536888799

Shouya Wu            15525052312

Jiwei Yan               13051873611


Mailing address: No.18 Xinkuangyuan Road, Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030024, China








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